SusTunTech project analyse ways to improve species identification with artificial intelligence
Smart fishing is an emerging concept aiming at facilitating and [...]
Smart fishing is an emerging concept aiming at facilitating and [...]
SUSTUNTECH project was shown in the framework of the [...]
Dr. Fernandes has presented SusTunTech to KISA master students to [...]
Climate change is hot topic with COP26 meeting in Glasgow [...]
SusTunTech actively contributes to this WGSHIP group in their activities, [...]
SusTunTech actively contributes to this WGMLEARN in their activities, [...]
Dr. Jose A. Fernandes has been interviewed by Onda [...]
Sustuntech project was represented by Iñaki Quincoces and Oihane Cabezas [...]
The road to digitization of fisheries. Fishing 4.0. To what [...]
Nautical and Marine Instruments, both grupoarbulu companies, join forces in their commitment to [...]