Final review of the SusTunTech project
Last June 14, the final review of the SusTunTech project was held online. All partners attended the review, as well as the project officer, Antonio Scafarino, and EC experts Richard Proud and Roberto Bozzano. At this meeting, special emphasis was placed on how the different products that make up SusTunTech will be commercially exploited, [...]
Cordis publishes the results of the SusTunTech project
Cordis, the official website where European Union research results are published, has highlighted the results obtained during the fine-tuning of the SusTunTech project. According to the article, fuel accounts for about 50% of the operating costs of tuna vessels. In this sense, SusTunTech estimates to achieve savings of at least 20% in fuel costs. [...]
SusTunTech at Posidonia 2024
For the second time the SusTunTech project participated to Posidonia, the Greek international shipping Exhibition, with our partner @Zephyr Group and @Maridis. It was a successful event in terms of visitors and participants in fact hosted over 2,000 exhibitors and more than 40,000 visitors. SusTunTech team presented the products to potential customers and stakeholders [...]
SusTunTech at Curso de extensión universitaria sobre Estudios Marítimos (30 May)
The Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos (IUEE) “Salvador de Madariaga” de la UDC, in collaboration with Cátedra Jean Monnet “Derecho de la Unión Europea del mar” (UDC) co-financed by the European Commision and the Fundación MarInnleg (Vigo), organices the third edition of the·Curso de extensión universitaria sobre Estudios Marítimos (17 April-30 May).This online course [...]
SusTunTech at The Future of Shipping at the biodiversity-climate nexus workshop (14 May)
The workshop was held in Malmö (Sweeden) at World Maritime University (WMU) coordinated by Prof M.S. Wisz . The international shipping sector is an essential part of society and the global economy; it also contributes to biodiversity loss, climate change and pollution. Mitigating the impacts of shipping on the environment is an urgent mission. Mitigation [...]
SusTunTech presents the results of the project (27th and 28th February)
The final SusTunTech conference was held in La Spezia (Italy) on 27th and 28th February and was attended by all project partners. During the first day, distinguished members of the Advisory Board participated and shared the results obtained. The second day focused on the presentation of the three innovative products generated as a result [...]