Dr. Carlos Groba received his degree in Telecommunications engineering at the University of Vigo (Spain) in 2003. He also made a Master’s degree in 2010 in Optimization and Innovation, followed by a Master’s degree in economics in 2011, both at the university of Vigo. In 2017 he finished an Executive MBA by Afundacion, and in January 2019 he obtained his PhD in Applied Economy at the University of Vigo. Carlos is the ICT manager of Marine Instruments, joining the company in 2005 and creating all the high availability IT infrastructure to manage the IoT satellite communication, different visualization software for customers, the MES system for the factory processes control, as well as the creation of a 24×7 service for customer support in 2011, among others. He is responsible for the coordination of several R&D projects and has been leading the development of successful products for industrial applications. He is the main author of 2 JRC publications and also co-author of 2 patents/applications.

Carlos Romay Lombao is Computer Technical Engineer in Systems from the University of A Coruña (1997-2001). With more than 15 years of experience in software development in various sectors such as Fisheries, Industry, Health, Carlos has big experience in the software industry from different perspectives and direct contact with the customers that use the software developed. He joined Marine Instruments in 2014, since then he has collaborated in different projects and markets, such as MSB for Tuna and MSB Longline. He has also been leading the software development of a UAV specifically designed for tuna fishing “Tunadrone”. Carlos is currently the Project Manager of MarineView™ and MSB for both, tuna and longline.

Sandra Brión Abuin holds a degree in International Business with mayor in Marketing, European Business School, London (2004). With more than 15 years of experience in the finance and banking sector and business analyst worldwide. Creative, resourceful, motivated, persistent, and determined with management and team restructuring experience across multiple locations, growing teams in highly competitive markets. An exceptional communicator with a consultative approach, strong negotiation skills and a keen sense for clients’ needs, a creative problem-solver and strategic thinker. Proven strength in team relationship building, business development, account management, leadership, and networking. Dedicated team player with the ability to quickly identify business needs and deliver results.

Andrés is part of the Sales and Marketing Department of Marine Instruments. He holds a degree in Art History from Universidad de Santiago de Compostela with specialization in art market management from Universidad del Desarrollo in Chile, a postgraduate certificate in Digital Marketing and a Master’s degree in Marketing and Commercial Management by ESIC. Andrés has more than 10 years experience in marketing in industrial and automotive sectors in Spain and UK, with special attention in market studies and communication strategies. He joined Marine Instruments in 2021, focusing on developing marketing strategies online and offline.

Begoña Vila Taboada is a Telecommunications Engineer from the University of Vigo. After working several years in the automotive sector, in 2009 she changed the course of her professional career and began to work in the oceanographic field, where she acquired a large experience in ocean observations (CTD, Buoy, HF Radar) and OGC protocols. Begoña was an active member of the Thematical Working Group responsible for the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive dealing with Annex III themes 15 Oceanographic Geographical Features and 16 Sea Regions in Spain. She was also involved in European networking initiatives and participated in several European projects related to operational oceanographic observatories, the protection of biodiversity and ecosystem services or the prevention of maritime coastal pollution.

Iago Tejeda is a Computer Engineer from the University of Vigo (1998-2005), and has also completed a Postgraduate / Master in Software Systems in 2010. He has more than 15 years of work experience in different fields of education, industry, health, among others. He is a lover of new technologies in general, but with a special interest in Big Data and computer security. He joined the Marine Instruments team in 2015, where he has collaborated on various backend focused projects. Currently he collaborates in the MarineView project where he is responsible for the acquisition and processing of oceanographic / meteorological data.

DANIEL LOWEMarine Instruments
Daniel Lowe holds a degree in Physics and a Master’s degree in Industrial Mathematics from the University of Santiago de Compostela. He joined Marine Instruments in 2017 as part of the MarineView™ team, involved in the oceanography data retrieval and processing aspects of the product.

MIRIAN RAMOSMarine Instruments
Mirian is degree in Journalism from the University of Seville and a master’s degree in Management Communication from CESMA Business School. She has dedicated his professional career to the world of corporate communication and in recent years has focused on digital marketing. She is part of the Commercial & Marketing team of Marine Instruments.

FERNANDO GONDAMarine Instruments
Fernando Gonda joined Marine Instruments in 2022 with the aim of completing his Final Degree Project on the optimal routing module of MarineView in order to finish his Telecommunication Engineering degree, with mention in Telematics, from the University of Vigo.

Dr. Jose A. Fernandes has a PhD with honours in Probabilistic Methods for Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence (University of Basque Country) applied to fisheries research. Senior researcher expert on big data, information fusion and machine learning applied to marine research over more than 10 years. Fernandes has more than 40 scientific publications with publications in high impact journals about machine learning, marine environment and policy impact (e.g. Information Sciences, Environmental Modelling & Software, Environmental Science & Technology, Science of the Total Environment, Global Change Biology, Fish and Fisheries or Marine Policy). Fernandes is involved in the development of the new Climate Impact Indicators (CIIs) as part of Climate Change Services of Copernicus. Currently collaborating with FAO and GFW in the use of big data and machine learning to assess fishing activity intensity worldwide.

Amaia Barrena graduated in Business Administration (Marketing speciality) in 1997 by the Chamber of Commerce of Bilbao and got a Master in E-Commerce and E-Business by ESEUNE Business School in 2002. She has been working at AZTI since 1999. She is senior researcher at AZTI and is responsible for the Administrations’ Programs area. During her career at AZTI, she has directly participated in 3 European projects, mainly related to SMEs involvement in R&D&I actions and strategies to develop new food products and launch them onto the market. During the years 2009-2012, she was the Director of Innovation and Food Industries of the Basque Government, where she designed different strategies and management plans for the agri-food and forest-wood industries. She also managed different funding programs to support these strategies.

Principal Researcher at AZTI-Tecnalia’s department of Marine Research. He holds a PhD in Biology from University of the Basque Country (2002). He has more than 20 years of experience in different lines of marine research applied to fish biology, fisheries modelling, ecosystem modelling and Marine Strategy Framework Directive implementation and collection of data for the analysis of its indicators, collaborating in the tender WebGR and hosting this web tool. Principal Researcher for AZTI in 6 European Research projects, currently oversees the H2020 UTOFIA and DATABIO projects and was the leader of fisheries data collection in the ProAtlantic tender.

Irantzu Zubiaur is part of the Marketing and Communication Department of AZTI. She holds a degree on Communication (Journalism and Advertising specialties) and has completed a master’s in business administration (MBA). After specializing in corporate and scientific communication, currently she is responsible for AZTI’s communication strategy and content for both digital and print media. She has over 15 years of professional experience in various media and economic and cultural organizations at the international level, including the United Nations. Since joining AZTI in 2007, she has focused her journalistic work in the areas of food and marine research communication.

Dr. Ainhoa Caballero, Senior Researcher in the area of Sustainable Fishing Technologies (Marine Division) of AZTI (Spain), graduated in Sea Sciences at the University of Cádiz (Spain) in 2000 and obtained a PhD in Applied Physics at the Polytechnic University of Catalunya (Spain) in 2008, focused on ocean surface circulation within the Bay of Biscay from on remote-sensing data. Since 2008, she works at AZTI participating and leading regional and national projects. In the framework of the National Programme for Research of the Ministry of Science and Innovation she participated in the ESTIBB project and leaded MESOANCHOA project. Her generalist competencies are ocean change, physical oceanography, remote sensing and fisheries oceanography.

Dr. Anna Rubio received her Ph.D. thesis in Physical Oceanography from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain) in 2006. Her work is mainly focused on ocean mesoscale variability, based on different source in situ and remote sensing data, including high frequency ocean surface currents from HF radar, and numerical modelling. She is Topic Editor in Ocean Science and Frontiers in Marine Science. Currently, she participates in CMEMS UU IBISAR and CMEMS-IN Situ TAC-phase II, MYCOAST (Interreg Atlantic Area), H2020 SUSTUNABLE, EUROSEA, H2020 JERICO-s3 (leading WP1 on the JERICO-SI Science Strategy) and FORCOAST (Leading WP2 – User Engagement) projects in tasks related to operational oceanography and HF radar technology and its applications to different sectors. She is also involved in European networking initiatives (Member of EuroGOOS HFR Task Team, Vice-chair of the EuroGOOS Coastal Working Group).

Dr. Jefferson Murua is researcher at AZTI-Tecnalia’s Sustainable Fishing Department for Tuna. He holds a PhD in Fish Behavior and Physiology from the University of Bangor and has more than 20 publications in high impact journals and RFMO scientific committees. Murua has over 10 years’ experience in tuna fisheries from the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, particularly focusing on research in ecological impact mitigation. He has participated in several EU projects and Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs) for tuna longline and purse seine fisheries. Murua has also gained direct considerable Fisheries Ecological Knowledge (FEK) through participatory approach meetings with skippers and crew in over 25 fleets worldwide thanks to the ongoing ISSF Skipper Workshop program, which he has coordinated since 2010. These workshops introduce fishers to the most recent advances in best fishing practices and help scientists collect information on the latest fishing technology and strategies utilized by each fleet.

Dr. Josu Santiago received his PhD in Biology, specializing in tuna biology and tuna population dynamics. He has worked in AZTI (Basque Country, Spain) since 1985; during these years he has been involved in several national and international research projects in the field of fish biology and fish stock assessment, particularly in temperate tuna. He has published >20 peer reviewed papers and has contributed with > 50 papers to tRFMOs. During the period 1992-1999 he was Head of the Department of Fishery Resources of AZTI and Chairman of the Albacore Working Group of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna (ICCAT). He has been Director of Fisheries of the Basque Government (Spain) and chairman of the Standing Committee on Research and Statistics (SCRS) of ICCAT (2011-2014). Currently he is Head of the Area of Tuna Research of AZTI and EU Scientific Coordinator to ICCAT and IATTC.

Nerea Goikoetxea holds a PhD in Biology from the University of the Basque Country (April 2011). For her PhD he got a European Master in Marine Environment and Resources from the University of Southampton and the University of the Basque Country. Her PhD research was focused on understanding the influence of the northeastern Atlantic oceano-meteorological variability on the northern hake (Merluccius merluccius). She is currently a researcher at AZTI, where she is involved in identifying optimal environmental habitats for both tropical and temperate tunas. To do so, she has experience in developing ecological niche models with the aim of studying past and present habitats and also predicting future spatial distribution.

Gorka Gabiña, industrial engineer and received his PhD Thermal Engineering (Alternative Fuels for Marine Diesel Engines). Since 2008, he works in AZTI joining the Sustainable Fishing Technologies team. He has participated in several projects focused on energy efficiency improvements in fishing ships such as, alternative energy sources, fuel consumption, propeller efficiency, alternative fuels, heat recovery systems, energy audits, hybrid-electric propulsion system and carbon footprint assessments; in addition, he has been involved in different marine technology developments such as, underwater image acquisition system (UTOFIA), biomimetic assessments, marine litter collection, fishing effort and fuel monitoring platforms; currently he is working in tuna freezing process monitoring, carbon footprint assessments, and H2020 project related to the development and testing of high-tech system for sustainable fishing (SMARTFISH). Currently he is the Head of Sustainable Fishing Technologies area.

Dr. Marina Chifflet received her Ph.D thesis in “Marine Environmental Sciences” from the University of Aix-Marseille (France) in 2000. Since 2007, she works in Azti as a researcher in the area “Functioning of Marine Ecosystems”, developing models numerical, and data, physical and ecosystem analysis. With her incorporation in AZTI, she obtained a Torres-Quevedo contract from the Ministry of Science and Innovation. She has published several articles in prestigious international scientific journals. Her research focuses on the impacts of human activities and climate changes on marine dynamics and ecosystems, using coupled hydrodynamic-biological tools (numerical models or data analysis). She has participated in various national, international and E.U. projects (e.g. MEECE, REPRODUCE, FACTS, DEVOTES, MARS, CISEF, SustunTech). Since 5 years, she also works in collaboration with: the “Sustainable Fisheries Management” area in projects and tagging campaigns for tropical tunas in the Atlantic, in the context of ICCAT-AOTTP program; analysis of plankton images from campaigns in the Bay of Biscay; and with the “Marine Technologies” team in oceanographic data analysis.

Igor Granado is Civil engineer with a master’s degree in Integrated Management of Water Systems. Currently, PhD student with a grant of the Department of Economic Development and Infrastructures of the Basque Government. The aim of my PhD is to enhance the sustainability and reduce the environmental footprint of the Basque fleet through the optimization of the fishing routes. My research topic in AZTI focuses on Sustainable fisheries management, mathematical optimization, machine learning and Big Data.

Ahinoa Ruano is Responsible of European and local Project Communication at the Marketing and Communication Department in AZTI. She holds a degree on Communication (Advertising and Public Relations speciality) and has completed a master´s degree in Graphic Design and Marketing Online. She has worked with international clients (Vodafone, Alfa Romeo, Tanqueray, Danone…) and Public Organizations (International and regional level) gaining more than 10 years of experience developing Websites and Social Media and Communication Strategies.

Technician, more than 25 years’ experience in AZTI, responsible of the oceanographic equipment used by AZTI in surveys, oceanographic buoys, meteorological stations, current meters, CTD and hand-held sondes for data acquisition in field, also works with multibeam bathymetric data acquisition systems (data acquisition and processing)

Daniel is Technician in AZTI, coworker with Luis Cuesta in surveys, oceanographic buoys, meteorological stations, current meters, Control and calibration of shore surveillance systems, also works with multibeam bathymetric data acquisition systems (data acquisition and processing)

Julien Mader is Engineer in Marine Technologies (M.Eng.) from Institut des Sciences de l’Ingénieur de Toulon et du Var, France. With 21 years of experience in AZTI, he is currently leading the Marine technologies Area, coordinating development, innovation and transfer to marine and maritime fields (Maritime, Operational Oceanography, Fisheries, Aquaculture, Ocean energy). He has been involved in European, national and regional projects oriented to the transfer of services and products to marine and littoral stakeholders. He is strongly involved in European initiatives on Operational Oceanography (IBIROOS co-chair, EuroGOOS HF Radar Task Team chair, AZTI representative in EuroGOOS). He is author of > 20 peer-reviewed papers. He participated in > 16 European projects within FPs, H2020 INTERREG, Emodnet or CMEMS (PI of CMEMS Service Evolution INCREASE and Atlantic Area MYCOAST projects).

Izaro received the B.Sc. degree in computer science from the University of the Basque Country, in 2008, and the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of the Basque Country, in 2019. She has worked on different research areas such as Music Information Retrieval, Computer Vision and Image Analysis.

Dr. Lohitzune Solabarrieta is a civil engineer and she got her PhD in Science and Technology for the coastal management in 2015, at the University of Cantabria, in collaboration with AZTI. Her research interest is mainly focused on the characterization of the surface ocean processes, at different spatio-temporal scales, using data from remote sensing and in-situ instruments, such as High Frequency or X-band raars. She is also interested on the application of the ocean processes´ characterization to the operational oceanography and the processing and standardization of ocean datasets.

Ivan is a physicist with a master in Space Science and Technology and a PhD in Physical Oceanography at AZTI and the University of the Basque Country, gotten in 2021. His research has been focused on the data blending from different observing platforms such as HF radars, ADCPs, CTDs, gliders and satellites to characterize 3D current velocity fields for marine applications in the southeastern Bay of Biscay. Currently, he is working on projects related to the processing, validation and assessment of physical data, as well as on the creation and use of standardized databases for different oceanographic applications.

Dr. Karl-Johan Reite has a PhD degree in Marine Cybernetics and a MSc degree in Nautical Sciences. He has 10 years of experience as Research Manager, and he has managed and conducted many research projects focusing on gathering and analysing data from fishing vessels. He also has experience from leading positions onboard ocean-going fishing vessels. He currently leads a complementary work package in the H2020 research project DataBio and is involved in the H2020 research project SMARTFISH, which will provide background and basis for the proposed project. He is in lead of the SINTEF Marine Data Centre, for which the acquisition and analysis of data from fishing vessels are very important aspects.

Stian Skjong received a MSc degree in marine technology from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in 2014, and a PhD degree in marine technology in 2017, also from NTNU. He has been with SINTEF Ocean since 2018 and has been involved in various research projects, ranging from on-board decision support in marine offshore crane operations, optimal path planning of purse seine deployment and model-based observer design for in-sea seismic equipment, to virtual prototyping and co-simulation theory development in the ViProMa project and the Open Simulation Platform initiative. His research interests include mathematical modelling, simulation and control of marine systems, nonlinear control and model based control designs, simulation technology, numerics, co-simulation strategies, virtual prototyping of marine systems and operations, as well as software development for marine applications.

Dr Alan Murphy is Reader in Maritime Engineering at School of Engineering, Newcastle University. Prior to academia he was previously a seagoing Marine Engineer for a decade. He is head of the Sustainable Shipping and Marine Engineering Research Group, which brings together multi-disciplinary researchers in all aspects of maritime sustainability, including reductions in energy demand and reductions in pollution from shipping. He leads numerous EPSRC, EU and industry funded projects. His personal research includes the reduction of energy in marine propulsion chains, reduction in air pollution from shipping and concepts for the environmental classification of marine transport systems for regulation and policy interventions towards ecologically friendly and low carbon shipping systems.

Dr Kayvan Pazouki currently holds a lecturer position in Newcastle University, school of Engineering. He has been seagoing marine engineer for nine years, before joining University. He has been involved in a European project concerning development of sustainable ballast water management system as project manager. He was Principal investigator (PI) for two Knowledge Transfer partnership (KTP) projects for the development of computer-based marine engine performance monitoring and emission prediction tool and the development of statistical and data mining techniques to extract business intelligence from operational data.

Yi Zhou is a Research Assistant/Associate in Marine, Offshore and Subsea Technology Group, School of Engineering, Newcastle University. He holds a MSc degree in Marine Engineering from Newcastle University (2016). His research field has been focusing on the Modelling & Control of Marine Mechanical & Electric Systems and Efficiency Optimization of Power & Energy Management System for Marine Power Systems.

Dr. Zigor Uriondo Arrue is Senior Researcher in the University of Basque Country, where he holds a PhD in Thermal Engineering (2012). He has more than 10 year experience in after sales service in a marine diesel engines company where he worked until he started working in AZTI in the Energy Efficiency area in 2008. He works in the University since 2004 in partial time and in full time since 2013. He has participated in the writing of 9 peers reviewed and indexed papers. He is actually working in H2020 project DataBIO and has participated in 18 research projects funded by Basque Government involved in the energy efficiency area in vessels.

Laura Marinello holds a degree in Political Science from the University of Padua and Certificate of high Formation from University of Venice in NeuroMarketing. She has a proven experience in both marketing and data analysis having worked for several years in B2B companies in different sectors. She specializes in the creation of communication supports, organization of trade & Fairs, trade marketing, marketing plan, socials media and others marketing activities. From 2020 she joined to the marketing department of Zephyr as Marketing & Reporting Manager.

Carlo Demonti has a University Degree in Economics and Marketing. He gained experiences in very well-known American and Korean multinationals dealing with processors and electronics before to join Zephyr in 2015 as Business Development Manager, Area Sales Manager later and Sales and Marketing Manager today.

Giulia graduated in Oriental languages (Chinese) at Venice University (Italy) and completed her Master’s dregree in management and marketing at Nottingham Trent University (UK). She started her career in Milan in project management and joined Zephyr’s marketing department in April 2022. She works on sales and marketing activities.

Daniel Gau is the CEO and co-founder of the Maridis GmbH. He received his Master degree from the University of applied Sciences, Technology, Business and Design in Wismar in Germany. Before he established Maridis he worked on several R&D projects for the company EUB, an independent non-profit research organisation in Germany.

Hans-Hinrich Baier is a member of the R&D team at Maridis GmbH in Germany. He has 8 years experience in the development of measurement systems for large industrial diesel engines. He graduated in 2006 at the University of Rostock with a degree in mechanical engineering.

Janire Ortuzar holds a degree in “Business Administration” by the Chamber of Commerce of Bilbao and got a Degree in “Mangement and International Business” from the “Institut Européen de Commerce et de Gestion” in La Rochelle.
Since 2015, she has been involved in different departments of Echebastar, and is now part of the Comercial team of Echebastar.
She has coordinated the companies participation in H2020 DataBio Project, and is now coordinating the participation in H2020 Sustuntech Project.
Since 2015, she has been involved in different departments of Echebastar, and is now part of the Comercial team of Echebastar.
She has coordinated the companies participation in H2020 DataBio Project, and is now coordinating the participation in H2020 Sustuntech Project.

Bachelor’s Degree in Merchant Marine Sciences as Ship´s Captain. 1993 involved in the transport and marketing of frozen tuna from the landing ports in Seychelles and other ports in the Indian Ocean. In 2003, joined Pesqueras Echebastar as tuna fleet and fish marketing director. Since 2013 Jose Luis combined the marketing work with the sustainability initiatives of the Echebastar Group. Since 2020 advisor for Echebastar in the fields of social, environmental and resource responsibilities of the company.

Maite Erauskin-Extramiana is a marine ecologist who graduated with honors in Marine Sciences in Vigo’s University (2012), got a master’s in marine Ecology in CICESE (Mexico, 2015) and has a Ph.D. in Marine and Environmental Resources (2020) from the University of the Basque Country. Early career scientists with experience in species distribution models (CLIPES and CLIREMAR Spanish projects, and SOMBEE H2020 project). Dr. Erauskin-Extramiana collaborates with some important working groups in modeling and related to climate change impacts (UBC, CSIRO). She has also started collaborating with FISHMIP worldwide initiative. She has a track record of publications in high-impact journals such as Global Change Biology and Global Planetary Change.